President’s Message: November 2024

Marnie Trippensee

Dear Medical Guild Members,

Guild activities are now in full swing! On October 16th, fifteen Special Projects award recipients presented their programs in person at UF Health Professional Park and via teleconference. We awarded $55,000 in grants! A few of the wonderful projects that we supported include: procuring speech-generating toys for children with communicative disorders; acquiring “Easy Stand” equipment for rehabilitation patients to increase their mobility; obtaining an industrial-size refrigerator for the HealthStreet Program that assists people experiencing food insecurity; distributing educational supplies for the underserved with chronic health conditions; and providing ergonomic chairs at Al’z Place for clients with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Thank you to Special Projects Co-Chairs Emanuel Caraballo-Santiago and Lynne Capece for coordinating a successful symposium.

Our annual Letter Writing Campaign kicks off in November. Be on the lookout for a letter in the mail from Laura Lynch and her fundraising committee requesting contributions for the Guild’s philanthropic endeavors. Your financial support makes a huge positive impact on people in our community who need extra help in managing their health and improving their wellbeing.

The Gift Stop volunteers are gearing up for their popular annual holiday sale event in the UF Shands Atrium and all three shops. This fun event will be held December 2-3. Stop by and pick up some gifts for everyone on your holiday list! The Guild’s profits from this sale will benefit UF Health.

The next general meeting will be a social gathering at my home on November 20th. The guest speaker, Dr. Carol Lewis from the UF Department of Psychiatry, will present “The Art and Science of Mindfulness.”

I look forward to an evening of fellowship with you! Happy Holidays, and I hope everyone has a safe Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa!

Best wishes for the New Year,

Marnie Trippensee