Since 1968, the Guild has enjoyed a rich history of philanthropic support to UF Health and the communities it serves by gifting over $2.7 million to UF Health and Community projects. This support has increased substantially in the past several years as Gift Stop profits and member donations have enabled the Guild to create endowments consistent with the values of its members. The below endowments were created by the Guild with donated funds earned at the Gift Stops. The UF Foundation manages the distribution of the funds and ensures funding for these projects in perpetuity. The University of Florida Investment Company manages the investment of these funds.

Endowment #1: The UF Medical Guild 60th Anniversary Endowment Fund supports operational expenses of the Equal Access Clinic Network; student operated free health care clinics. Begun in January 2019, this endowment is now fully funded at $250,00 and is anticipated to generate annual support of $10,000 forever.

Endowment #2: The UF Medical Guild Graduate Research Award for Biomedical Science Interdisciplinary Programs now permanently supports an award established by the Guild in 1975. It funds cash awards to UF Biomedical Sciences graduate students who compete in an annual juried competition. Begun in October 2020, this endowment is fully funded at $200,000 and is anticipated to generate annual support of $8,000 forever.

Endowment #3: The UF Medical Guild Fund for Palliative Care Support at UF Health Hospitals supports UF Health Palliative Care and its patients and families with palliative care resources, programs and education. Begun in April 2021, this endowment is fully funded $200,000 and is anticipated to generate annual support of $8,000 forever.

Endowment #4: The UF Medical Guild Fund for the Department of Patient and Family Resources at UF Health Shands supports the the needs of patients that fall outside the coverage of their insurance provider or other community resources. Begun in January 2024, this endowment will eventually be funded at $200,000 and is anticipated to generate annual support of $8,000 forever.
The Guild’s most significant source of funding is the volunteer hours donated by Gift Stop volunteers. The UF Medical Guild is a founding partner of The Gift Stop and receives an annual disbursement based on the number of hours Guild members volunteer in the shops and on its Board of Directors. These funds are allocated for endowments like the above. They also fund smaller grants to UF Health and the University of Florida Academic Health Science Center through its Special Projects Grant program. Member donations make up the balance of our philanthropic dollars and help the Guild provide grants for community organizations.
Please consider giving your time to increase the Guild’s philanthropic impact by volunteering at one of the Gift Stops.. For additional information, click here or contact UF Health Volunteer Services at (352) 265-0360.