Rowdy Readers Book Club

Coordinated by Laura Lynch

The October Rowdy Readers had a robust discussion of The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. The group loved the book and were grateful for authors like McBride who have the ability to understand so many cultures, and are able to create a beautiful template of characters.

Carol Kem reported that local author Shelley Fraser Mickle will be able to join our Zoom meeting on December 12th! We will enjoy time with Shelley while discussing her book, White House Wild Child. The group has chosen the books we will read in 2025! Thanks to everyone who took the time to submit suggestions and to vote.

Future Meetings are the 4th Thursday, starting at 10 AM

  • November: No meeting due to Thanksgiving
  • Dec. 12: White House Wild Child by Shelley Fraser Mickle
  • January 23: The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka
  • February 27: The Address by Fiona Davis
  • March 27: The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki

Happy Reading! Please contact Laura to get on the Rowdy Readers’ email list!